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Weekly Instagram Challenge

I love Instagram and many of you have told me that you feel the same and have asked for a photorecTV community on Instagram. Great Idea! And many of you have asked for additional challenges, also a great idea!instagramPRTVchallengeAnnouncing Photorec.TV's weekly Instagram challenge - Each Wednesday I will announce a new challenge - you will have one week to capture a photo you think best matches the challenge, tag that photo #PRTV and #PRTV_Challengename (Challengename) will change each week. Tagging older photos is fine.  CURRENT WEEK >>> Week Three May 20-21: Minimalism – keep it to a minimum and tag them #PRTV_minimal and #PRTV the best will get highlighted here and on our weekly live show.Past ChallengesWeek Two May 13-20: Instagram and social media cliches – show me your food shots, your selfies, the lone tree on the hill and tag them #PRTV_maycliche and #PRTV the best will get highlighted here next week. Winner of Week Two.Week One - Flowers Uniquely Captured.  I am tired of the boring flower shots and want to see your unique take on flower photography.  This does NOT mean weird or unique flowers.  This week's tag will be #PRTV_mayflowers and don't forget to use #PRTV too.  WINNER OF WEEK ONE Wednesday I will pick the post that I judge best meets the challenge, I will reshare that image and share it in a post on the PhotoRec.TV Facebook page. Want to know more about getting your DSLR photos onto Instagram? Watch the video below and check out Roy's post on ways to avoid using a mobile device and go straight from your computer to Instagram