Photography news and more with this week's Mish Mash Highlights update. Toby's just touched down in Seattle after going on safari in Africa so you should be seeing more content from him soon. As for this week in news Adobe got a price bump and Lytro is being bought out for a whopping $40 million.While Toby does the Live Show for PEN this is your quick peek at what we’re doing behind the scenes. But, you can always join Photo Enthusiast Network and watch Toby live, find out more at For everyone that are already PEN members, thank you for supporting the site!
This Week at
Want to travel with Toby? We've got some great new trips to sign up for:
- New for PEN, join today at
- Tuesday Tips - Posing and Relationship Family Portraits, this week focusing on how to connect your subjects for a better photo.
- Hands-on Videos at WPPI
Around the Web
We can't cover everything photography news related but we try. For everything else, we've got the best news articles from around the web.Adobe Breaks $2Billion This Quarter | Where’s The Revenue Going?Adobe Announces Creative Cloud Price IncreaseThe big news this week is that Adobe is raising their prices at the same time of having record profits. Those with Adobe photography, student, or Acrobat plans are safe for now. Having both announcements simultaneously have annoyed some of the Adobe userbase as the cash is mainly going to investors while updates have been slim. With software like Capture One, catching up, and faster than Lightroom in areas is it time to jump to another editing software?
- Creative Cloud for Individual Single App plans will increase to $20.99 per month from $19.99 per month or $1 per month
- Creative Cloud for Individual All Apps plans will increase to $52.99 per month from $49.99 per month or $3 per month
- Creative Cloud for Teams All App plans will increase to $79.99 per month from $69.99 per month or $10 per month
Sources: Google is buying Lytro for about $40MWhen Lytro came out both Toby and I found it interesting but more of a fad. Their lightfield technology allowed you to refocus a shot in post or change depth of field, which admittedly would be handy. Now while things might not have worked out perfectly for them Google is reportedly buying them for $40 million. While their camera tech wasn't a perfect fit for the market the technology might find a new life in immersive VR. Using the camera tech to make better results for VR and capturing images for it. As Google does make Android software and the Google Pixel series of phones hopefully we'll see some of the software trickles down.Other Stories You Might Like:
Featured Photos Weekly Challenge
Despite some snow still here in Michigan spring is coming and you guys showed the color with this weeks challenge. Nice job thinking out of the box with some neat indoor shots like crafts!Next Week's Challenge: #PRTV_highorlowA composition can be one of the biggest points separating a subject from a snapshot. For the next challenge, your goal is to shoot with a bit of elevation, or get close to the ground. Changing heights can change your view from the standard eye level view to something a lot more interesting for a photo. Go try it out and good luck this week!
Roy’s Features:
Nothing says springtime color like some early blossoms.

A bit more on the creative side and certainly a colorful one at that for sure.

A rainbow of mixed flowers certainly works for this challenge and sets a colorful scene.

For more info, the schedule, and past top picks go check out Try out some of Toby's Instagram Tips. For everything else Instagram, tag those shots #PRTV and #penlive for our daily photo features.
Photos from Space
Breathtaking images! NASA’s Juno spacecraft releases pics of Jupiter storm
Some more neat shots from the Juno spacecraft, go check out this massive storm on Jupiter.
Pick up a "Major Tom" spaceman LED light for your computer today. Part of Toby's Photos from space segment and it helps support the site. Click here to buy your own Major Tom on Amazon.Want to keep up with things happening this year? Sync your calendar with the solar system
That's all folks! We'll be back next week with even more of your photo news. If you guy's like the highlights leave us comments on the social media posts and we'll keep this going! For Pen members, Toby will be back on air March 28th.