Photo Mish Mash EP 80 - A BIG Present
/ We bring you the week’s photography news, Instagram challenge winner, informative discussions and we answer your photography questions. This week I get to open my BIGGEST present from Christina, Twitter wants to be Instagram, Samsung and Nikon are NOT in bed together?? and I promise we won’t waste your time with idle chit chat unless you pay us! Sponsors:Adoramapix! 30% off 16x20 Framed Prints use code PX16X20FRM3020% off regular framed prints use code pxprbtf20Shop framed prints from Adoramapix
Lumoid! Show Notes: We will be on Tony and Chelsea Live- 5pm EST DEC 10! Tune InWant to know the gear we use to make our live show happen? All linked on my recommended gear page here. Rumors that NX1 and NX500 replacement will happen in januaryIF YOU ARE USING LIQUIFY, HOLD OFF YOUR ADOBE CC PHOTOSHOP UPGRADEHandevision announces five new full frame e mount lensesTwitter offering uncropped photos SONY INKS DEAL TO ACQUIRE TOSHIBA’S IMAGE SENSOR BUSINESS, FACILITIESGET UP TO $100,000 PER YEAR DOING ANSEL ADAMS’ JOB FOR THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICEPhotographers Still Boycotting Time’s Contract; Time Defends It as ‘Fair and Equitable’Update on the Canon USA vs Grey Market Retailers Legal ActionManfrotto launches bright and compact Lykos LED lighting panels Watch the After Show (Patreon Only)