Canon 200-800 f/6.3 - 9 IS USM Lens (Canon RF)
/Canon has just unveiled three new lenses, including the 200-800mm f/6.3-9 lens. I expect the 200-800 to be extremely popular due to its remarkable zoom capabilities and affordable price of $1899. The new lens offers a massive zoom range in a relatively portable package weighing just 4.5 lbs. Although it is not part of Canon's L class lens series, it is designed with a heat countermeasure by painting it white, which helps to regulate temperature when shooting for long periods in the hot sun. Furthermore, the lens is weather-resistant. The IS (image stabilization) system of the lens provides an impressive 5.5 stops of stabilization at 800mm, ensuring sharp and steady images. While the aperture may not be particularly fast throughout the entire zoom range, advancements in modern cameras such as high ISO performance and noise removal software, along with the capable IS system, mitigate this concern. Additionally, the lens is compatible with Canon's RF Teleconverters 1.4x and 2x, allowing for even longer focal lengths ranging from 280mm to an incredible 1600mm with the 2x, which is a dream combination for moon photographers.
Preorders are live, shipping Dec 14th, 2023
Canon 200-800 f/6.3- 9 IS USM $1899
Canon 100-400 RF at 400mm f/11 1/1640 - Even at f/11 good background seperation
Preorders are live, shipping Dec 14th, 2023
Canon 200-800 f/6.3- 9 IS USM $1899