OM-D E-M1 Mark II - Most Advanced Micro 4/3

In some ways writing "the most advanced" is a given.. right? This is afterall a new camera, a new flagship camera from Olympus - shouldn't it offer the most advanced set of features to date?  Anyway olympus continues to offer high quality cameras with a huge lenses selection (micro 4/3 standard can use anything by olympus, panasonic and many 3rd party manufacturers)   The latest announcement - not a release yet continues this trend.OM-D E-M1 Mark II Specs

  • 20MP sensor
  • 5-axis IS
  • Lightweight and Weatherproof body
  • 15FPS (60fps in electronic shooting) - yes stills!
  • 1/80000 max shutter speed
  • 4K video
  • Fully articulating 3.0" touchscreen
  • Focus bracketing and stacking
  • Wifi (do I need to list this as a feature in late 2016?) it should be a given)

I few days ago I was having a discussion about the benefits mirrorless cameras offered - one of my points was mirrors are mechanical contraptions that slow a camera down - you have to flip it out of the way to take a photo and if you want to take several photos in a row AND use autofocus between those shots - the mirror must flip up and down and this mechanical process is time consuming.  This new Olympus is an excellent example of what is possible without the mirror - 18 FPS with continuous autofocus turned on.    And the Olympus cameras have offered some of the best AF in mirrorless cameras and the M1 Mark II is likely to continue. And then you have a few more cool features like

  • Silent Shutter Mode which completely eliminates shutter noise and all electronic sounds, perfect for wildlife, concert halls, or other quiet environments.
  • Live Composite and Live Bulb Modes- watch the image build up on the monitor, allowing exposure adjustment during the shoot.
  • Focus Bracketing and Stacking lets you take several photos of a subject and then stack them into a single image with edge-to-edge clarity for For incredible macro shots.