Polaroid Pop: Instant Prints with a Digital Twist
/The classic Polaroid photos of the past have returned with the Polaroid Pop. A 20MP digital camera with 1080P video and an instant mobile printer. Including a 3.97-inch touchscreen with the option to fix photos and use filters before printing. The ZINK printer like the Polaroid Snap uses heat to activate ink on the prints making your standard looking Polaroid in under a minute.As a bonus, it also connects via WiFi or Bluetooth to act as a mobile printer for your smartphone. If you wanted, technically using your DSLR's mobile connection you could print from your camera to this one on the go!The Polaroid Pop will be available around Christmas time in a variety of colors for $200, 10 Zink prints will be $10.

Press Release:
Polaroid Introduces the New Polaroid Pop Instant Digital Camera andPolaroid Hoop Wireless Home Camera
On Display at IFA 2017, Polaroid’s Newest Innovations Offer a Modern Take on the PolaroidInstant Digital Camera and Peace-of-Mind for Simplified Home Security
NEW YORK, August 30, 2017 – The Polaroid brand today announced the release of its newestinnovations in photo and home security taking over the holiday season - the Polaroid Popinstant digital camera and Polaroid Hoop wireless home camera. The Polaroid Pop combines asleek, modern design and digital technology with 3.5x4.25” border prints. The Polaroid Hoophome security camera stays true to the Polaroid brand DNA elements, including simplicity,elegant design and the mission to make new and exciting technologies accessible to theeveryday consumer.
“The Polaroid Pop instant digital camera and Polaroid Hoop home security camera initiallydebuted at CES 2017 to much fanfare,” said Scott W. Hardy, President and CEO of Polaroid.“We’re excited to have these products on display at IFA and showcase them to the Europeanmarket. For 80 years, Polaroid has been committed to providing consumers with the latestimaging technology that enables them to easily share their lives. The Polaroid Pop and PolaroidHoop offer modern takes on this idea for every aspect of consumers’ lives.”
Polaroid Pop Instant Digital CameraAs the all-in-one solution for capturing and sharing images on-the-go, the Polaroid Pop instantdigital camera enables users to shoot and instantly print full color photos as 3.5x4.25” Polaroidborder prints. Edit and enhance photos before printing with creative filters, digital stickers and adraw feature that gives the ability to write or draw at the bottom of the photo. The Polaroid Popquickly and easily connects to a mobile device using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, allowing users to savephotos taken with the camera as well as print photos saved on a mobile device.
The Polaroid Pop instant digital camera will have a MSRP of $199.99; a 10-pack paper will havea MSRP of $9.99. Additional features include:
● MicroSD card slot to support up to 128GB of storage● 3.97-inch touchscreen LCD for framing shots and navigating the camera’s menu● 20-megapixel CMOS sensor● Built-in dual LED flash for high quality images, image stabilization● 1080p full HD video recording capability
The Polaroid Pop instant digital camera uses the revolutionary ink-free Zero Ink® Printingtechnology developed by ZINK. The ZINK-enabled printer uses heat to activate and colorizecyan, yellow and magenta dye crystals embedded in the paper. The result is full-color, highquality, long-lasting and smudge-proof images without ink cartridges, ribbons or toner. The3.5x4.25” photo prints in just under a minute so consumers can instantly share the photo withfriends and family.
Polaroid Hoop Home Security CameraThe Polaroid Hoop home security camera offers 1080p high-definition video resolution and a140-degree lens with a wide-angle view to maximize coverage. The Polaroid Hoop is simple toset up with an easy-to-use app available for Android and iOS. The Polaroid Hoop will have aMSRP of $179.99 for the indoor camera and $199.99 for the outdoor camera.
● Stylish and Sleek - The affixed base of the Polaroid Hoop home security camera can beplaced on a shelf or table or be easily mounted to a wall or ceiling.● Indoor or Outdoor - The camera is available in two models, indoor and outdoor, with aweatherproof construction on the outdoor version to withstand the elements.● Grouping - Users can install several throughout their home and monitor and accessfootage from one app. Cameras are grouped together and labelled to easily capture andidentify events in specific areas of the home, or schedule recordings in a particular area.The primary account holder can assign, manage and share access to specific cameraswith friends and family.● Intelligent Monitoring and Alerts - The Polaroid Hoop offers advanced monitoringcapabilities that detect events and automatically alert the user via the app and pushnotifications. Users can set specific zones and only trigger an alert should anythingchange within that area of the frame. The Polaroid Hoop also leverages a proprietaryalgorithm that over time can learn to distinguish between normal daily events and thosethat occur unplanned.● Storage - When the camera detects an event, it automatically records the footage for theduration of the event and sends a push notification to the user’s smartphone to view thefile locally on an optional microSD card or store in the cloud for up to seven days for free.
The Polaroid Pop instant digital camera and Polaroid Hoop home security camera weredesigned in partnership with renowned design firm, Ammunition, the studio that was also behindthe Polaroid Zip instant photoprinter, Polaroid Snap line of instant digital cameras and PolaroidCube and Polaroid Cube+ lifestyle action cameras. Led by industrial designer Robert Brunner,Ammunition has partnered with award-winning consumer brands including Adobe, Beats by Dre,Square, Lyft and Williams-Sonoma.
Offered by C+A Global, an authorized Polaroid licensee, the Polaroid Pop instant digital cameraand Polaroid Hoop home security camera will be available at retailers throughout the UnitedStates starting in October 2017. Both products will also be on display at IFA 2017 in Berlin,Germany, September 1-6 in hall 11.1 booth #130. To learn more, please visit polaroid.com
About PolaroidPolaroid is one of the world’s most trusted, respected and recognizable brands, with a rich80-year history built primarily on Polaroid instant cameras and film. The company’s completerange of products was designed to deliver the fun, instant gratification and creative freedom forwhich the brand has long stood. Today, the Polaroid Classic Border Logo, rooted in the instantphoto sharing that Polaroid pioneered, is the mark of genuine Polaroid branded products. Formore information, visit Polaroid.com.
Polaroid, Polaroid & Pixel, Polaroid Color Spectrum, Polaroid Pop, Polaroid Hoop, PolaroidCube, Polaroid Zip, Polaroid Snap and Polaroid Classic Border Logo are trademarks of PLR IPHoldings, LLC, used under license.