A Better Mother's Day Present

MDayBlurbI have given my mom lots of presents over the years, as any good son would, and the only present that has brought tears to her eyes is the Blurb Photo Book I gave her a few years ago.  Filled with photos of the grand kids and my mom and dad enjoying the little people in their life.    Take a few moments, gather a handful of photos and make a photo book for your Mom this Mother's day.  A little extra incentive to get moving  - 20% off your order if purchased by May 10th. And a bonus tip - get it done now so you can select the cheaper shipping and save even more.Offer: 20% off through May 10, 2013 | Code: LOVEYOUMOM | Dates: 4/25/13-5/10/13Start your Blurb Photo Book NOWBut wait you say - Creating a photo book is complicated business!  Nope, no and wrong.  Take a few minutes to watch my recent video where I show just how easy it is to create a designer book. . .

Monday Notes- Backups, T5i and Giveaway

 A few quick notes

    • CrashPlan- an excellent backup system/solution is offering a free year.  Enter your email and the price for 1 computer for one year drops to $0, even at $50/year it is an excellent value and painless way to backup your precious photos/documents.  Do not wait until you have a horror story to start backing up. https://www.crashplan.com/carboniteswitcher/


    • My T5i Unboxing went up this weekend, You will hear me say this in the review- I think we will all be a bit happier if we think of the entry level DSLR market like the auto industry, every year there is a refresh of the product line and sometimes it is exciting with real changes and sometimes it is a polish with minor changes. This is one of those fairly minor changes.  I will have more thoughts in my review in a few days.   Take a few moments and watch the video and give it a thumbs up please.  I also have some sample video showing the silent and smooth focusing of the new 18-55 STM, not lots different from the 18-135 STM.


    • I spent the weekend shooting with the T5i and creating a video review of a brand new video monopod from Berno that will be part of my upcoming giveaway.  This giveaway that I have been mentioning for what feels like MONTHS now will start THIS WEEK! All the stuff  has arrived- I will be photographing, listing and putting this all together in the next few days, it is so exciting to be able to give away awesome gear.    You all taking the time to like my Facebook page, Subscribing to my Youtube Channel and visiting the website have made it possible. Thank you!


    • Last bit of housekeeping - Facebook has recently changed the admin system for pages, it now is more difficult to keep track of comments, if you leave a comment or questions on a post and I haven't answered it in a day or two please send me a message or post directly on the wall. I try to answer everyone's questions or comments that need a response so it is only because I missed yours that I haven't answered yet and I welcome a reminder or a nudge that you are waiting.


Giving Thanks!

I wanted to take a moment and say "THANK YOU" to all those of you that have taken time to communicate with me - either a comment on a video, an email, a post on Facebook, a phone call(yep even had a few of those) and chat - it really is important to me to know that there are folks out there that not only value my opinion but are willing to take a moment and say thank you!I have had a few ask how they can really thank me and I am happy to provide some ways-1 - Use my Amazon link for ALL of your Amazon shopping - I earn a small percentage of every sale - I split those earnings between funds that help me run this blog, gear for reviews and giveaways, the more you buy the more giveaways there will be :)  Shop Amazon (Click and drag this link to your bookmarks toolbar for instant and thought-free action)  2- Use the donation link on the right - I only recently added this and folks have already started to use it - proceeds are again split and a huge thanks to those folks who have donated.3- Spread the word - let friends and family know that I am here and happy to answer photography and camera gear questions.4- Just take a moment and say thanks, leave a comment or post a photo to share. I am about to spend 8 hours in the car today, luckily I won't be driving the whole way which will give me time to answer a few emails and start working on a blog post about the very cool Triggertrap that is on my Holiday Gift List. And I have big plans in the coming months - Posts on MAKING photos (not just taking), guest posts by the wonderfully talented Christina Bernales, loads more videos and of course a giveaway or two.