Quick Prints on the Go!
/In a world where we're always on the go sometimes it's nice to be able to print while we're out as well. With recent travels I have quickly made some friends by providing a print - sharing a phot with your subject is a nice gesture and really helps make a connection.https://www.instagram.com/p/BeDs5wAnomb/?taken-by=photorectobyThe ability to take something from your camera, edit it on the go, and print within a few minutes while at a location. A keepsake for you, or in the case of a McKay Photography Academy Tour, a really great souvenir you can pass out to someone nice enough to pose for a shot.https://www.facebook.com/david.mckay.5682/posts/10213396792028253?pnref=story
Polaroid ZIP Mobile Printer
If you want something a bit more customizable you can't go wrong with this pocket-sized printer. The Polaroid Zip is a great way to get those photos off in about a minute. The 2 x 3" prints are waterproof and ready to go once they pop out.Photos are transferred via Bluetooth from your phone making smartphone shots easy enough to edit and print. As for your camera, if it has the ability to send a photo to your phone or you have a card reader your all set. Take a shot on your nice DSLR, send to phone, edit, and print.Available at Amazon & B&HPrint Refill - Amazon | B&H
Fuji Instax Cameras
While the Polaroid Zip offers customizability it can be a bit much getting it going, sometimes you just want the shot (or you hate all that technology). That's where the Instax cameras come in as our top choice for instant cameras and a great present for kids as well. Snap the shot and out it comes a 2.4 x 1.8" print just like the Polaroid's of the past. All while being small enough to throw in a pocket or your bag.FYI: With the Mini 70 you will need to pick up a few more CR2 Batteries from Amazon, otherwise, the Mini 90 comes with a rechargeable battery.
Fujifilm Instax Mini 70
Polaroid Zip