Case Remote - Wifi Remote Control for your DSLR
/ Back the CASE Remote AIR on indieGOGOThis is the Case Remote AIR - this tiny device allows you to remotely control your camera, download photos, including RAW files and adds several really sweet features to your otherwise dumb camera - now some of you might wonder why we need this when most current Nikon and Canon cameras provide some sort of wifi control via an app - and my answer - have you actually used those apps? They are so barebones it is frustrating AND the case remote works with older Canon and NIkon cameras that don’t offer wifi control and even allow you to start and stop video remotely. The Case Remote creates its own WIFI hotspot so you can use this anywhere, you don’t a data connection, you connect directly to the device. The connection info is printed on the device and apps are provided for Android and iOS with desktop Mac and Windows software in development You connect the device to the camera, you can position it in the hotshoe or attach it with the strap connection if you need to put a flash in the hot shoe, it really is very light.
Turn it on, Turn the camera on and then connect to the wifi, launch the app. And you should see the camera listed. Click to launch the controls where you can then turn live view on or OFF, touch to focus and bring up the camera settings - adjusting them on the fly.
if you have wanted GOOD wifi control of your camera with smart features - there is nothing else that provides this level of value. I’d love to see a few features added, like bramping but overall I appreciate the wifi control of older cameras and the ability to transfer RAW files from newer cameras. Back the CASE Remote AIR on indieGOGO