Toby's slowly making his way to Africa for a safari, taking a bit of a pit stop in Amsterdam for a vacation. With WPPI over this week news is a bit slower but got a big update for Instagram and Canon is ready to make a move... finally. As always this is your weekly highlights with photography news, Instagram top picks, photos from space, and more!While Toby does the Live Show for PEN this is your quick peek at what we’re doing behind the scenes. But, you can always join Photo Enthusiast Network and watch Toby live, find out more at For everyone that are already PEN members, thank you for supporting the site!
This Week at
Want to travel with Toby? We've got some great new trips to sign up for:
- New for PEN, join today at
- Tuesday Tips - See as a Photographer! Tips on how to see things as a photographer for the best composition for your photos.
- New Videos!
- Lightroom Crop and Export for Print or Share Online, a complete guide on how to export your photos and getting them ready to print by Toby
- The Making of a Black and White Series Part 1, this week David introduces some basics on how to start working on your photos for a great black and white photo.
- Sony a7III vs a7RIII
- With the a7III out the big question now is should you go with it or the a7RIII. It's a battle of specs and Toby's got all the details.
- Review – Sony 12-24 f/4 and SUPER WIDE NISI Filters
- The Sony 12-24 ultra wide gets a review after some shooting in Yellowstone plus NISI has a great filter made just to fit it.
- Back to the Serengeti
- As Toby is soon to be in Africa this is a follow up of all the gear that made the trip and the multiple vlogs from the last tour.
Around the Web
We can't cover everything photography news related but we try. For everything else, we've got the best news articles from around the web.Schedule Posts Automatically to Instagram with Later!, our favorite site for scheduling Instagram photos, just got a big update to post photos directly to Instagram. This means you can post photos directly from your computer without the risk of a shadow ban and schedule without having to stop later on to push it out from the later phone app. The catch for this is carousel (galleries) and videos still are not automatic, no tagging, no locations, and you need to have an Instagram business page. The locations part is unfortunate as you do get people coming in from there, but overall the benefits are great for someone busy or wanting to post at work.
Sign up today at and hit the link above for how to use the new feature
Canon's latest camera releases were known to be a bit on the safe side, trying to protect their other models. As DSLR sales are dropping and mirrorless are becoming more popular Canon has finally decided to really push into the mirrorless market. Same news as usual with their previous announcement but this time suggesting models having higher end specs competing with their DSLR line. With a release of the m50, a mirrorless entry level with 4K, and pulling their pros for suggestions of whats needed the change is coming. With Sony in the lead at the moment a bit more competition is needed as Canon has been the sluggish one of the big three. Hopefully we'll see more soon including the rumored full frame mirrorless camera from Canon.Other Stories You Might Like:
Featured Photos Weekly Challenge
This Week’s Challenge: #PRTV_Mood
Showing a bit more mood in your photos was the challenge this week and a good step for something a bit extra to a shot. Whether a person, place, or thing it's another interesting element to add to a scene.Next Week's Challenge: #PRTV_silhouette2A fun technical challenge this week as you get to play with the light to try to get some nice silhouettes. This is a great challenge for using a flash or waiting for the sun to get a bit lower to really nail the silhouettes. This should be a fun challenge and you can even try a table top shoot.
Roy’s Features:
I'd say that fox is slightly loving the snow in that picture and it's a great shot that sets the mood.

A nice one by Jane, going with a black background really captures the subject without any distractions to put focus on the action and mood.

Capturing a more candid looking moment for a great shot of the happy couple.

For more info, the schedule, and past top picks go check out Try out some of Toby's Instagram Tips. For everything else Instagram, tag those shots #PRTV and #penlive for our daily photo features.
Photos from Space
Hubble Finds Huge System of Dusty Material Enveloping the Young Star HR 4796A
The start of a planet, a 150 billion mile wide dust cloud surrounding a star
Also check out: Satellite Eye on Earth: January 2018 - in pictures
Pick up a "Major Tom" spaceman LED light for your computer today. Part of Toby's Photos from space segment and it helps support the site. Click here to buy your own Major Tom on Amazon.Want to keep up with things happening this year? Sync your calendar with the solar system
That's all folks! We'll be back next week with even more of your photo news. If you guy's like the highlights leave us comments on the social media posts and we'll keep this going! For Pen members, Toby will be back on air March 28th.