Mish Mash Highlights: 3/14/2018
/Your photography news and more this week with the Mish Mash Highlights. This week Toby's off in Africa on safari, check out the little cute baby baboon! Then in the news, Toby released his a7III official review and it sounds like Canon and Nikon are close behind.While Toby does the Live Show for PEN this is your quick peek at what we’re doing behind the scenes. But, you can always join Photo Enthusiast Network and watch Toby live, find out more at Photorec.tv/pen. For everyone that are already PEN members, thank you for supporting the site!
This Week at Photorec.tv
Want to travel with Toby? We've got some great new trips to sign up for:
- New for PEN, join today at Photorec.tv/PEN
- Tuesday Tips - To go along with Steve's digital matting tutorial I've added a quick guide for making your own handwritten watermark.
- Vietnam Photography Adventures – Part Three! - A new vlog on Toby's recent tour of Vietnam with the last leg of the trip heading into Cambodia.
Sony a7III Review – The Only Thing Entry Level Is the Price - The big review is out! - If you are thinking about going full frame or want to upgrade this is a strong option to choose for your next camera.
Around the Web
We can't cover everything photography news related but we try. For everything else, we've got the best news articles from around the web.Did Instagram Just Bring Back Chronological Feeds?Without a big announcement from Instagram, you might have noticed your Instagram feed has changed a bit. Instagram has been testing out a new feed for some that prioritize more recent posts like the original chronological feed that sorted photos by most recent. Something you all want as our Instagram poll was nearly 100% for a change. This is getting more people to see your posts and letting you see posts from people that might have been not showing up often. It's a welcome change, likely as Instagram has been feeling a bit of pressure from Vero and Ello apps so they are trying to keep their users.Sony Exec Predicts Canon and Nikon Full-Frame Mirrorless Within a YearSo the million dollar question, with a camera like the Sony a7III now out when will Canon and Nikon catch up? At least according to Sony's General Manager Kenji Tanaka they think it will be within a year. Canon's been strongly pushing for a full frame mirrorless and market share lately so it is a big possibility that we might see something soon. Would you go for a Canon/Nikon full frame mirrorless or do you want to make the switch to Sony?Other Stories You Might Like:
- Canon Wants a 50% Marketshare
- This Video Shows the Danger of Sharing Photos of Your Favorite Location on Social Media
- Should You Raise Your Photography Pricing?
- Photojournalist faces death penalty in Egypt for covering anti-government protests
- 1923 Leica Camera Sold for $2.95 Million, Setting the New World Record
- Photographer Receiving Death Threats for Using Live Ducklings and Bunnies
- Photo Shoot Helicopter Crash in NYC’s East River Kills 5
- 'I'm Back' digital back for analog SLRs successfully returns to Kickstarter
Featured Photos Weekly Challenge
This Week’s Challenge: #PRTV_silhouette2
Going a bit darker for the silhouette challenge was hopefully a bit of fun for those of you that submitted. From a technical point it's a nice way to control your exposure to get a different result, and on the artsy side something different you can do for a shoot. There are some really nice shots this week so go check them out!Next Week's Challenge: #PRTV_colorful2Some color to hopefully bring in spring, it's still snowy here, unfortunately. For this challenge, it's time to put up some colorful shots! As a tip watch your histogram so you don't blow out your photo, more on that in my shooting reds article.
Roy’s Features:
For more info, the schedule, and past top picks go check out photorec.tv/prtv. Try out some of Toby's Instagram Tips. For everything else Instagram, tag those shots #PRTV and #penlive for our daily photo features.
Photos from Space
A neat shot this week with geology showing Mars's watery past.
Pick up a "Major Tom" spaceman LED light for your computer today. Part of Toby's Photos from space segment and it helps support the site. Click here to buy your own Major Tom on Amazon.Want to keep up with things happening this year? Sync your calendar with the solar system